International cheese day: plant-based alternative for cheese in the spotlight

27 March 2023
1 min
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Today it’s international Cheese day! A good moment to celebrate all the wonderful and delicious types of cheeses that there are to enjoy. The plant-based alternatives for cheese market has been growing in the last couple of years and new products are introduced frequently. Where there were only slices before there is now also grated cheese, cream cheese, hard block style cheese and even parmesan. Almost 30% of the European consumers are looking to reduce their dairy consumption [1], that makes it even more important to develop great tasting and well textured plant-based alternatives for cheese. We believe cheese does not have to contain dairy to taste and melt as good as dairy cheese.

Three benefits of plant-based cheese alternatives

  1. A low carbon footprint
  2. Sustainable alternative
  3. Animal friendly

Are you ready for a cheese revolution?!

With increasing options available, the things that become most important to consumers are taste, appearance and texture.[2] A third of US consumers agree that texture is an important attribute when choosing cheese.[3] Consumers are expanding their horizons in the supermarket dairy shelf. So, there is a great opportunity for developers to create new innovative plant-based alternative for cheese options. And we believe our Tendra® Fava Bean Protein Isolate can contribute to that.

Tendra® Fava Bean Protein Isolate as functional protein for plant-based cheese

Our Tendra® Fava Bean Protein Isolate is very suitable for dairy-alternatives because of its mild and neutral taste, excellent emulsification properties and it is highly stable in solution. Our application team succeeded in developing a plant-based alternative for cheese that approaches the look and feel of dairy cheese, but with all the benefits of plant-based.

Within our mission to shake up the world of plant-based proteins this is a great step forward.

Try it yourself? We are more than happy to share our recipe. Please send us a request →

Sources: [1] Plant-based foods in Europe: What do consumers want? - Smart Protein Project. (2021, November 23). Smart Protein Project. [2] Analysis of Consumer  Behavior Towards Plant-Based Meat and Dairy  Alternatives Market in  Sweden. (2016). Diva-portal. [3] Kantar Profiles/Mintel, July 2022, June 2022; KuRunData/Mintel, September 2021